About 关于 關於

Globally present, industry awarded and highly experienced, we are committed to making travel better for all. 我们在全球开展业务,获得业界广泛认可,并拥有丰富经验,致力于为所有人提供更好的旅游体验。 我們業務遍佈全球,備受業界認可,而且經驗豐富,致力為所有人提供更佳的旅遊體驗。

Our Story 我们的故事 我們的故事

Established in 1998 and headquartered in Hong Kong, Plaza Premium Group’s origins began with CEO, Mr Song Hoi-see.

A frequent air traveller during his banking career, one day Mr Song found himself flying less. He struggled to enjoy the travel experience without the respite of frequent flyer lounge perks. This led to the unique vision of an independent airport lounge concept.

Seeking to create an accessible relaxation space for the masses, Mr Song launched the first Plaza Premium Lounge. He aimed to provide seamless connectivity and comprehensive services to all types of travellers. Growing into a series of brands set on simplifying, innovating and enriching the airport journey, PPG remains true to its purpose of democratising the travel experience. We are ready, when you are.







Our Philosophy 我们的理念 我們的理念

Vision 愿景 願景

To be the household name and world class Premium Airport Service provider.




Mission 我们的使命 我们的使命

  • Meet every customer’s expectation and deliver total satisfaction
  • Strive for sustainable growth through innovation in services, market expansion, cost-effectiveness and operation efficiency
  • Cultivate a people-oriented culture conducive to teamwork, creativity, and personal development
  • Promote civic-mindedness and social responsibilities
  • 满足每位顾客的期望,达至称心满意
  • 通过可持续增长、创新服务、开拓市场、实现成本效益及提高运营效率,以追求持续增长
  • 培育以人为本的企业文化,促进团队合作、创新及个人发展
  • 提倡公民意识和企业社会责任
  • 滿足顧客的期望,達到稱心滿意
  • 通過可持續增長、創新服務、開拓市場、實現成本效益及提高運營效率,以追求持續增長
  • 培育以人為本的企業文化,促進團隊合作、創新及個人發展
  • 提倡公民意識和企業社會責任


Core Values 核心价值 核心價值

  • Excellent Service
  • Innovation
  • Teamwork
  • 优质服务
  • 创新理念
  • 团队精神
  • 優質服務
  • 创新理念
  • 团队精神


Brand Promise 品牌承诺 品牌承諾

  • Convenience
  • Comfort
  • Value
  • Love & Care
  • 便利
  • 舒适
  • 价值
  • 关心与爱
  • 方便
  • 舒適
  • 價值
  • 愛與關懷


We are in over 我们的服务覆盖 環亞業務遍佈

1600+ Touchpoints 1600多个服务网点 1600多個服務網點

75+ International Airports 75多个国际机场开展业务 75多個國際機場

30+ Countries 30多个国家开展业务 30多個國家

Leadership 领导团队 領導團隊

Song Hoi See 宋海西 宋海西

Founder and Chief Executive Officer 创始人兼首席执行官 創辦人兼行政總裁

Song Hoi See, has spent over 20 years revolutionising the global airport industry. A determined advocate of democratised travel, Mr Song has continually reshaped the possibilities of airport hospitality, building a network of five integrated brands which make comfortable and convenient airport experiences available to all. With his sights now set on consolidating the 360 degree airport offering, Mr Song remains true to his vision of elevating international travel and strives to continue setting a world-class standard for value-added airport services.



Bora Isbulan Bora Isbulan Bora Isbulan

Deputy Chief Executive Officer 副首席执行官 副行政總裁

Since joining PPG, Bora has been instrumental in steering Plaza Premium Group’s global expansion and driving the Group’s strategic business development. He oversees global growth and revenue generation, leading the Business Development, Commercial, and Marketing divisions. He brings international experience to key projects and initiatives, successfully expanding the Group’s global network in EMEA, India, Latin America, USA, and leading the Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen International Airport Turkey location expansion.

商业领袖Bora拥有为全球公司管理收入增长和战略组合扩张的国际化经验,曾在TAV Operations Services担任首席执行官达10年时间。他在28个国家主导过商业战略工作,涵盖欧洲、美洲、中东和印度。Bora负责监督环亚全球增长和创收,并领导业务拓展、商业和营销部门。

Bora是經驗豐富的商業領袖,曾為多家國際公司管理收入增長和策略組合擴張,包括在TAV Operations Services任行政總裁達10年。他在28個國家主導過商業策略工作,涵蓋歐洲、美洲、中東和印度。Bora負責監督環亞全球增長和創收,並領導業務發展、商業和營銷部門。

Henry Ho 何永昌 何永昌

Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官 首席財務官

Henry is an accomplished CFO with a strong track record in financial leadership. Previously, he held key roles at Ralph Lauren, Duty-Free Shoppers (DFS), and the K11 Group, overseeing finance and strategy. With over 20 years of experience, Henry is skilled in driving growth and profitability.

In his new role, he will manage the group’s financial operations, including treasury and investor relations, and work closely with the team to execute the company’s strategy.

何先生是一位经验丰富的首席财务官,在财务领导方面有着卓越的成绩纪录。 在此之前,他曾在Ralph Lauren、DFS和K11集团担任重要职位,负责财务和战略管理。 凭借着超过20年的经验,何先生擅长推动增长和盈利能力。 在他的新职务中,他将管理集团的财务运营,包括资金管理和投资者关系,并与团队密切合作,执行公司的战略。

何先生是一位經驗豐富的首席財務官,在財務領導方面有著卓越的成績紀錄。在此之前,他曾在Ralph Lauren、DFS和K11集團擔任重要職位,負責財務和戰略管理。憑藉著超過20年的經驗,何先生擅長推動增長和盈利能力。在他的新職務中,他將管理集團的財務運營,包括資金管理和投資者關係,並與團隊密切合作,執行公司的戰略。

Linda Song 张玉婷 張玉婷

Executive Director 执行董事 執行董事

Under Mrs. Song’s leadership, over the last 23 years PPG has transformed the airport hospitality services industry by indentifying traveller painpoints. She takes a customer-centric approach to design, spearheading the Group’s Design and Project Development. Mrs. Song is currently a member of the Group’s Steering Committee, driving the Group’s overall commercial and development strategies.



Suresh Kumar 苏瑞启 蘇瑞啓

Chief Operating Officer 首席运营官 營運總裁

With 28 years of experience in hospitality, Suresh has a diverse work experience in corporate and senior management roles at several luxury hotels in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Fiji, Philippines, Indonesia and China. He joined Plaza Premium Group in 2019 and was instrumental in setting up the Aerotel Hotel Division, Customer Engagement, Contact Centres and overseeing ISO as well as process enhancements. As Chief Operating Officer, he is responsible for the group’s global network of operations for Lounges, Culinary, Food & Beverage, Airport Passenger Services and Pre-Openings & Special Projects. He also supports the group expansion plans as well as overseeing several regions in his capacity as COO.



Prasan Verma Prasan Verma Prasan Verma

Chief Technology Officer 首席技术官 首席技術官

Prasan, a veteran in aviation Information Technology with 25 years of experience, joins us from Air India where he was the Vice President & Head of Commercial Information Technology and Channels. He brings expertise from his previous roles at Vistara and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) spearheading presales, project management, and consulting for various airlines. He has been recognized for his innovative Covid Management Solution and successful complex migration projects. 

In his new role, Prasan will be responsible for the group’s Information Technology-related matters from infrastructure, cybersecurity, and analytics including partnering with other key leaders to commercialize PPG’s Information Technology development and product. 

Prasan是一位在航空资讯科技领域拥有25年经验的资深专家。 他曾担任印度航空商业资讯科技和渠道的副总裁及负责人。 他在Vistara航空和塔塔咨询服务公司的前职位中,领导售前、项目管理和咨询工作,为多家航空公司提供了丰富的专业知识。 他因其创新的新冠疫情管理解决方案和成功的复杂迁移项目而受到表扬。




Johnson Wong 王德贤 王德賢

Chief of Staff 幕僚长 幕僚長

Johnson, boasts an extensive over 30 years background in the travel and hospitality industry. Throughout his career, he has held diverse executive positions in numerous countries and cities, overseeing operations, corporate roles, strategic planning, pre-opening, and operational projects, as well as hotel management and quality assurance. His expertise spans locations such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Beijing, Cebu and Toronto.

In his new role, Johnson will support the CEO on assigned duties, coordinate key initiatives, and strategic planning processes across the Company, and enhance collaboration of all business units to strengthen our positioning across the globe.

王先生在旅游和款待业拥有丰富的35年经验。 在他的职业生涯中,他曾在多个国家和城市担任不同的行政主管,涵盖企业职务、开业前和运营项目,以及酒店管理和质量保证。 他的专业范畴跨越了香港、新加坡、雅加达、吉隆坡、深圳、成都、北京和宿雾等地。 他过去的经历包括旅游和款待业的企业职务、项目、开业前和营运。

在他的新职务中,王先生将支持首席执行官的指派职责,协调重要的倡议,并通过领导团队、促进沟通,以及增强业务间的人员合作,来领导公司的战略规划过程,以加强我们 在全球的地位。



Roy Pang 彭世昌 彭世昌

Chief Human Resources Officer 首席人力资源总监 首席人力資源總監

Roy has a distinguished career spanning several senior HR leadership roles across major corporations in the region, Roy is poised to steer our organizational strategies and nurture our workforce capabilities and is instrumental in shaping the HR landscape, driving strategic initiatives, and enhancing workforce productivity. Roy holds extensive qualifications in human resources, complemented by certifications in Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS), equipping him with cutting-edge skills to manage modern HR technologies.  

In his role with PPG, Roy will oversee all aspects of human resources, including strategic planning, talent management, and leadership development. Roy is known for his strategic vision and dynamic leadership style. He is a strong communicator and believes in fostering a collaborative and transparent work environment. His leadership will greatly benefit our team and contribute to our company’s success, putting our themes of people, sustainability and technology in the forefront of our strategy.

彭先生是经验丰富的领袖,曾在地区各大公司担任高级人力资源领导职务。 在他的新职务中,他将领导集团的组织策略及培养员工能力,并在塑造人力资源格局,推动策略举措及提升员工生产力方面发挥关键作用。 彭先生在人力资源领域拥有丰富的资历,同时具有人力资源信息系统(HRIS)的认证,助集团迅速适应现代人力资源领域的科技变化。  

彭先生将领导集团人力资源各方面的工作,包括策略规划、人才管理及领导力发展。 彭先生不只拥有远见卓识及灵活变通的领导风格,亦是优秀的沟通者,他重视培育相互合作及透明度高的工作环境。他的加入将为团队带来惠益,就集团的持续发展作出贡献,同时将员工福祉、可持续发展和技术创新置于策略重心。

彭先生是經驗豐富的領袖,曾在地區大公司擔任高級人力資源領導職務。在他的新職務中,他將領導集團的組織策略及培養員工能力,並在塑造人力資源格局﹑推動策略舉措及提升員工生產力方面發揮關鍵作用。彭先生在人力資源領域擁有豐富的資歷,同時具有人力資源資訊系統 (HRIS)的認證助集團迅速適應現代人力資源領域的科技變化


Mei Mei Song 宋秀芹 宋秀芹

Chief Transformation Officer 首席业务转营总监 首席業務轉營總監

Mei Mei Song has been instrumental in driving strategic direction and transforming experiences that include brand repositioning and product diversification alongside PPG’s global expansion during her decade-long tenure with the company. 

In her role as the Chief Transformation Officer, she focuses on creating value-added experiences for travellers, growing the brand portfolio, leading PPG’s journey to ESG, and spearheading PPG’s long-term vision with a focus on people, technology, and sustainability. She lives and breathes the Group mission of ‘making travel better, together’. She oversees four teams: sustainability, marketing, brand, and communications. 

Mei Mei Song has been instrumental in driving strategic direction and transforming experiences that include brand repositioning and product diversification alongside PPG’s global expansion during her decade-long tenure with the company. 

In her role as the Chief Transformation Officer, she focuses on creating value-added experiences for travellers, growing the brand portfolio, leading PPG’s journey to ESG, and spearheading PPG’s long-term vision with a focus on people, technology, and sustainability. She lives and breathes the Group mission of ‘making travel better, together’. She oversees four teams: sustainability, marketing, brand, and communications. 

Mei Mei Song has been instrumental in driving strategic direction and transforming experiences that include brand repositioning and product diversification alongside PPG’s global expansion during her decade-long tenure with the company. 

In her role as the Chief Transformation Officer, she focuses on creating value-added experiences for travellers, growing the brand portfolio, leading PPG’s journey to ESG, and spearheading PPG’s long-term vision with a focus on people, technology, and sustainability. She lives and breathes the Group mission of ‘making travel better, together’. She oversees four teams: sustainability, marketing, brand, and communications. 

Jonathan Song 宋國笙 宋国笙

Chief Commercial Officer 首席商务总监 首席商務總監

As the Chief Commercial Officer at PPG, Jonathan Song spearheads the company’s commercial and development strategy, focusing on global growth and expansion, strategic partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, and product diversification to enhance the financial performance and competitive edge of its airport hospitality assets worldwide. He oversees teams across commercial, sales, business development, loyalty, and analytics, driving strategic initiatives across all business segments.  
With over a decade at PPG, he has been playing an instrumental role in expanding the company’s global presence. 

As the Chief Commercial Officer at PPG, Jonathan Song spearheads the company’s commercial and development strategy, focusing on global growth and expansion, strategic partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, and product diversification to enhance the financial performance and competitive edge of its airport hospitality assets worldwide. He oversees teams across commercial, sales, business development, loyalty, and analytics, driving strategic initiatives across all business segments.  
With over a decade at PPG, he has been playing an instrumental role in expanding the company’s global presence. 

As the Chief Commercial Officer at PPG, Jonathan Song spearheads the company’s commercial and development strategy, focusing on global growth and expansion, strategic partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, and product diversification to enhance the financial performance and competitive edge of its airport hospitality assets worldwide. He oversees teams across commercial, sales, business development, loyalty, and analytics, driving strategic initiatives across all business segments.  
With over a decade at PPG, he has been playing an instrumental role in expanding the company’s global presence. 

"To travel is a privilege. We don't want hurdles along the journey to take away from that, so we are committed to continuously enhancing the airport experience to alleviate the pain points of travellers. We strive to make travel better every day." "旅行是一种特权。我们不希望因旅途中的阻碍导致这种特权受损,所以我们致力于不断改善机场体验,减轻旅客痛点。我们每天都在努力缔造更加美好的旅行体验"。 「旅行是一種優越享受。我們不希望旅途中出現小插曲而影響整體享受,所以環亞致力不斷改善機場體驗和减輕旅客痛點。每天努力締造更美好旅程。」

Song Hoi-see, CEO of Plaza Premium Group - 环亚集团首席执行官宋海西 - 環亞集團行政總裁宋海西

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